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Is your website protected with HTTPS?

Since 2018, websites without an SSL Certificate now display a "Not Secure" warning in the address bar, which tends to scare off potential clients and customers.

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WordPress Website Maintenance, Updates and Security

WordPress Website Maintenance – a crucial part of running your website that is often overlooked and sometimes even avoided.

However, in order for your WordPress website to run smoothly while side-stepping security risks, maintaining your website should be as important to you as your business itself.

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The Importance of Cyber Security for your Website

The initial phase of protecting the organization is to ensure the right tools are put into place and that employees fully understand the security policy. The policy itself is also subject to change as the threat vs security environment changes.

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Benefits of Using a Content Management System

The purpose of a good CMS is to allow its users to focus on what the visitors to the website will see and consume. Therefore, it seldom requires any coding in order to create or update content, adding to the user-friendliness of such a system.

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What is Social Media Marketing and How to do it Properly?

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, social media marketing must be done properly for it to be genuinely effective and more importantly, sustainable.

So before you hand your Company's Social Network pages to your wife's unemployed cousin (Who spends lank time on Instagram, my bra), get the right people for the job.

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What SEO Can and Cannot Do for Your Business

Search engine optimization is one of the most important requirements for every online business. However, you may be wondering, “What will SEO achieve for my business?”.

Managing expectations is an important component of sketching a realistic outcome for clients and avoiding disappointment. 

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Websites vs Social Media - The Importance of Having a Website

We cannot stress enough the importance of having a website for your small business. Now, you might be wondering, “Do I need a website if I have a Facebook Page?”

The answer is yes!

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Will your Website thrive in the Zombie Apocalypse?

The pic says it all. So enslaved have people become to mobile connected devices that we can be forgiven for thinking the zombie apocalypse has already come.

How then does your website survive, let alone perform, in this highly personal yet entirely pre-occupied digital wasteland?

Fitness strategies for grabbing the attention of the walking dead.

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Who is my online market? Identify your target audience

The question 'Who is on the internet?' a few years ago was pretty simple to answer; it was the youth, tech freaks in the industry and maybe the odd cool parent trying to spy on their child.

But now with new online innovations such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and above all Mobile devices such as Smart Phones and Tablets, the internet has become more accessible and useful to people of all ages.

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Difference between Web Development & Digital Marketing

Any web design company that does not offer website marketing as the primary aim of website development has clearly missed the point.

The modern company website has to facilitate all marketing activities: lead generation, targeted email campaigns, content marketing, news bookmarking, eCommerce sales & catalogues, CRM, social media, customer engagement and a host of other functions...

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