E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers to buying and selling goods or services online, conducted over the internet through websites, digital marketplaces, or online platforms, enabling transactions, payments, and delivery of products electronically.
Product catalogues play an important role for many businesses who have large inventories and stock. The challenge is to manage the amount of data and keep the information current, while allowing for ease of sales from your ecommerce website.
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Times are tough for South Africans who have their own businesses. Whether you are a young entrepreneur, a mom & pop store or driving a post-retirement plan, it is difficult to cope in an economy that consistently underperforms. And yet South Africans are a resilient bunch and many succeed in driving successful businesses.
eCommerce has become a standard feature of website design, and what were once rare and expensive extras in the past, are now essential components that customers have come to expect from every online shop.
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