Website Design & Digital Marketing News & Articles

What is SEM ? and why your business needs it

Understanding the difference between Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential in deciding how to strategize for digital marketing and online presence.

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Choosing the best website software for optimal digital marketing

Marketing today is driven largely by digital marketing, with more that 65% of people using online search engines to find products and services they need.

When digital marketing is used correctly it can be one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies a business can use.

Therefore choosing the best web design software for your website is vital, with numerous website software providers on the market it can be confusing as to which one is the right one for you.

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Responsive Website Design and DNN Software

Web design is the paramount concern of any website development since it the primary mechanism by which a customer experience with your business products, services and company branding may be optimised.

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A responsive design for your website will save you money

All you have to do is build one website and it works effectively across thousands of different screens and devices.

Responsive design is the most effective way to take advantage of your mobile traffic and increase conversions because the same page is served to all devices and results in better Google search performance.

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Why you should use Social Media Marketing for your business

Using Social Media to engage customers and other stakeholders is a critical part of business marketing.

An accessible company means a more reliable company, and clients look for viability and reliability in their business choices.

In addition Social Networks provide invaluable assistance in Search Engine ranking.

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Marketing via Social Media

Harnessing the correct Social Media network for your business will mean better results for your efforts.

Not all Social networks are necessarily right for every business.

Focusing on the social networks where your customers, affiliates and referrals can be found is a good starting point.

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What is the Purpose of your Website?

The primary purpose of any website is to convert online visitors into customers.

Digital Marketing is the activity that allows your website to do this.

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Getting the basics of Website Digital Marketing

The first step as with any business is to ensure that the customer can find you easily.

Getting your website in front of your potential clients is the activity of website marketing.

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ITM deploys new responsive website technology for all website customers

The purpose of a website is to allow your business to be found on the internet and to convert website visitors into customers.

Existing clients must be engaged and relationships maintained.

More than 50% of all internet website browsing is now done via mobile devices.

A poor user experience on a website is guaranteed not to convert visitors into customers.

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Search Engine Optimization - Growing Online Website Traffic

Your website is ranked by search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) according to the relevance it has to a search query.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) involves using strategies such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Digital Marketing techniques to increase your websites traffic and thus increase it's visibility.

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