How much of your website traffic brings you business? | ITM News and Articles
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How much of your website traffic brings you business?

Why you need Marketing Automation.

Many website owners are disappointed to find that much of their website traffic is wasted. Your website visitors don't become leads and your leads, such as there are some, don't become customers.

Marketing Automation

There are many possible reasons for this:

  • Website visitors are not provided with a clear call to action.
  • Website landing pages are not optimised.
  • There is no follow-up process after initial contact.
  • There is no clear identification of the product or service the visitor was looking for.
  • There is a lack of personalisation and attention to the visitor.
  • Your business features and benefits are not clearly communicated.

... to name but a few.

Pretend every website is an online store

Imagine you walked into a store and were browsing for a product or service and no shop assistant established contact with you.

It was unclear how to engage the business or find the right services or products for your needs.

No one helped you, it was difficult to ask questions of the store, and you were made to feel that your business wasn't that important. :(

This is what browsing feels like to most website visitors.

Website SEO can be so much wasted effort

Many businesses now commit substantial budget to Search Engine Optimization, increasing website rankings and thereby website traffic.

But if this activity is not matched to site conversions then the return on the investment will definitely disappoint you.

The problem is that most businesses know they are missing this final step in Digital Marketing, but they have no idea where to start.

Marketing Automation seeks to fix this

Automating marketing actions are critical because no human agent can successfully process the sheer volume of information in a nuanced way.

You need software to identify and process the data, and then software to respond to visitors actions with emails, with tracking, with escalations to your sales team. 

The technology of marketing automation makes these tasks possible.

Although much has been written about artificial intelligence and its role in automating the sales process, ITM still believes that human interaction will still be necessary for some time to come.

ITM helps businesses identify website visitors and prospects & drives customers down the sales funnel with marketing automation software.

By leveraging the vast amount of information that is available on most online visitors, marketing automation provides the website owner with clear, goal defined responses to visitor behaviour, and optimising the website conversions of visitors in the following ways:

1. Identifying more of your website traffic with behavioral-based tracking to truly understand what motivates each website click.

2. Seeking to understand your potential customers by building persona based email marketing with work flow campaigns. This allows behavioral-based email automation to send your leads the right information at the right time. 

3. Dynamic form building, with auto-completion for known visitors, improving conversion, ease of use and building an accurate picture of your customer's journeys.

4. A choice between built-in and 3rd-Party Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) allows you to track sales prospects from creation to sales closing, and provides full control over your data.

5. Building great landing pages that convert visitors into leads.

6. Powerful data analysis metrics and customised reports justifies your hard work and investment.

7. Integration with hundreds of 3rd party software providers.

ITM Marketing Automation

Contact ITM to Get A Quote for marketing automation for your business.

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