Kelly Turner's Articles

The Evolution of Social Media Marketing Over the Past Five Years

As platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have evolved, so too have the algorithms that govern content visibility. What was once a fertile ground for organic reach has now become a battleground where only the most engaging content thrives.

What Is a Sales Funnel and Does My Website Need One

In the digital age, businesses are constantly seeking effective strategies to attract, engage, and convert potential customers. One such strategy is the sales funnel. As a leading website design company in South Africa, ITM Website Design is here to shed light on this concept and its relevance to your online presence.

Turning Website Visitors into Customers with User Experience

User experience encompasses various aspects, such as accessibility, usability, visual design, and the emotional connection that users establish with the brand. A seamless and enjoyable UX design ensures that visitors find value in their interactions, leading to increased engagement and conversion rates.

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