Using Meta Adverts for Better Brand Awareness | ITM News and Articles
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Using Meta Adverts for Better Brand Awareness

Using Meta Advertising Manager

The Meta advertising platform is a fantastic place to gain exposure and build awareness for your brand. Meta's social media platforms, Instagram and Facebook, offer excellent reach, even if actual sales conversions are not as aggressive as those from Google Ads.

Branding and Awareness

The best practice is to use Meta advertisements for branding and awareness campaigns. The doom-scrolling of social media often means users are not in an end-of-the-sales funnel mindset. However, scroll-stopping ads can effectively impress your brand upon users at the beginning of the sales cycle.

Setting Up Meta Pixel

Before setting up an ad on Meta, it is critical to set up the Meta Pixel. Using Standard Events will allow you to track ad performance and understand how website visitors behave on your site. Standard events are common actions people take, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Once you select an event to track, your pixel will measure how many visitors took this action as a direct result of your ads.

Retargeting with Custom Conversions

You can retarget customers who have interacted with your ad or website using Custom Conversions. Custom conversions track customer actions in more detail, such as purchases of a specific product. Once your pixel has tracked these actions enough times, you can use this information to retarget your ads to people most likely to act.

Optimizing Your Ads

To get your ads running at their full potential, group your campaigns into tight ad sets with similar objectives and audiences. Use high-quality images that best convey your message, as Meta is a platform that relies heavily on visual content. Create headlines and descriptions that are both relevant to the message of the ad and attention-grabbing. Use a call-to-action button that clearly indicates the desired action.

Advantage+ Options

When selecting AI-assisted Advantage+ options such as Budget, Placements, and Audience, be aware that it may deliver ads to users outside of your intended target market. Often, setting up ad campaigns without these options gives you more control over where the ads appear. For example, ads will not be displayed on the Instagram platform if you select Advantage+ placements.

Audience Targeting

While you have the option to tighten the audience to target specific interests and demographics, keep in mind that the Meta platform needs a very large audience to perform at its best. So, keep limitations to a minimum for the meta audience network.

Budget Considerations

When considering your budget, try to maintain a budget equal to or better than your competitors. Remember, spending does make a difference, and those with larger budgets will get the cherry-pickings of the intended market.

Ad Fatigue

The Meta platform suffers from ad fatigue more than others, such as Google Ads, which is an intent-driven search platform. Ad fatigue occurs when users see the ad repeatedly until they no longer register it. To avoid fatigue, update your ad with fresh images and copy at least every two months.

Better Brand Awareness - Brand Marketing

Meta is a brilliant platform to raise awareness of your brand and offerings, while Google Ads is great for capturing those same users closer to the bottom of the sales funnel. By understanding the strengths and best practices of each platform, you can create a comprehensive advertising strategy that maximizes your brand's visibility and effectiveness.

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For more information:

10 Reasons You Need to Build Your Brand Awareness

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