Google Business Profile Chat and Business Messages End | ITM News and Articles

Google Business Profile Chat and Business Messages End

Google Business Profile Chat

Google has announced it will be removing the call history reports and the Chat and messaging features within Google Business Profiles on July 31, 2024.

Google Business Profile Chat Ends

Winding Down Timeline

July 15, 2024: Internet users will no longer be able to start new chat conversations with the business from Google Maps or Google Search. However, Internet users that are already in existing chat conversations will be notified that chat will be phased out.

July 31, 2024: The chat functionality  will finally end and your business will no longer receive new chat messages from Google Business Profile. Your Google Business Profile call history in Google Business Profile will disappear.

Chat History download: Businesses can download chat histories from Google Business Profile using Google Takeout, so you can store these somewhere, because at some point Google will also delete this history.

Problems with Profile Chat

Although this was potentially a helpful feature, where users of Google Search, Maps and Shopping could get in touch with your business directly from the in-stream listings by initiating a chat from the display, it unfortunately never gained enough popularity. Google reported, "these features have relatively low usage and we're prioritizing focus on higher-impact features for merchants." 

It was never widely adopted and utilized, probably because of usability issues and the fact that businesses had to respond with 24 hours. Frankly, we missed notifications, simply because the messages were buried in amongst everything else that appeared on our devices. Like many businesses we found that Google simply switched this feature off if we didn't respond timeously.

The Google Business Profile will still surface contact information such as the website link and you can still initiate a call from the listing.

Google Business Messaging

Chat and Messaging are not the same because Google has a different email about "messaging" going away, "We are reaching out to share that we will be winding down Google's Business Messages on July 31, 2024."  No action is required for any brands and partners who only use Google entry_points for Business Messages. 

Alternative Chat Solutions 

Google has encouraged businesses to invite customers to other chat platforms, but it is difficult to see how this would be possible from within the Google Business Profile directly.  

Quite frankly, it is better to manage the conversation with your customers directly from your own digital assets such as your website, email or your WhatsApp platform as an example of an alternative messaging app.

ITM - Google Business Profile Setup

If you are a business, a Google Business Profile (GBP) is an essential digital marketing channel. Helping with Search Engine visibility and with local search, your GBP is an important mobile surface touchpoint. Every business should have one. Try google my business profile.

We can help you set it up, Get a Quote

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