DNN Software Module Development

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Website Module Development

We are highly focused on the delivery of quality, enterprise level web development solutions, on time and within budget.

In order to achieve this we have a clearly defined path to success, in all our projects.

This path is as follows:

What goals do you want the website to achieve?
  • A full, frank and documented discussion about the nature and scope of the project.
  • The production of the requirements specification outlining “What” the key requirements of the website development, or solution, is.
  • This phase will also include the business case for the website.
What functionality must the website have to achieve these goals?
  • The production of a detailed website design, outlining “How” the system will achieve the goals of the requirements specification. This includes all website screen designs and address any “proof of concepts” in the more leading edge elements of the project.
Website Development
  • The code production phase, where the modules identified in the detailed web design are deployed and configured. This is normally an iterative process where the client is involved at all stages so that feedback may be taken on board.
  • The site is generally available to view once the website design has been implemented.
Website Beta Testing
  • Pre-release test and debug, including feedback and review with our customer (and possibly a pilot customer website).
  • Customer user acceptance testing (UAT).
  • Post UAT Review and feedback / changes.
  • Data migration / population / system implementation.
  • System publicity.
Website Launch and Training
  • Website support and maintenance.
Website Online Marketing

We offer training and support on all our website developments, believing that skills transfer is critical if the client is to get the maximum value out of their investment.

Please look at our content management systems (CMS) with DNN Software for the full range of web development features.

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